Saturday, November 3, 2007

素烏冬 + 三文魚

經過放工的一場交通大戰後~ 終于回到家以最快速度煮好晚餐。

尋晚想食得清淡小小所以決定做素烏冬 + 三文魚 (少爺話沒肉不可)。過程非常簡單~

Ingredients for 2:
Udon x 2 packets
egg x 2
soba sauce
sake 1 tsp
pear x 1
turnip x 1
japanese seasoning

cook udon until soft, let drain
finely grate pear
thinly grate turnip
add sake to soba sauce, mix, divid into 2 bowls
divid pear and turnip into the two bowls of soba sauce
place udon on the soba sauce
crack an egg on each bowl of udon
sprinkle spring onions on egg
ready to serve!~

P.S. 我要買把三文魚刀

食譜參考 meling

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