Thursday, January 31, 2008

Shopping 吊啦星

哩兩日陸續到達(公司)~ 都唔知點偷運返屋企好~ 頭痛

P.S. 少爺 promise 我話唔會睇我個 blog~ 又可以自由地發up瘋~ 不過又成日暗串我叫佢做少爺~ 妖。

Wednesday, January 30, 2008


大件事啦~ 比少爺“發現”左哩道呀!
居然比佢 google 到 哩篇blog =.="
不過佢聼唔聼又係另一回事 =.=" (@#$*!%)
睇黎我以後講野都要小心D! 哼!

Tuesday, January 29, 2008


這裡不是什麽間隔舒悉~ 裝修優雅的餐廳~
不過唔好睇小這個車房~ 有 Bar 架!
每個晚上只招待一班人~ 預先book一個星期!

前菜真係幾 impressive 架~ 槃魚生大得好驚人~ 有幾種不同的魚~ 龍蝦刺身~ 鮑魚~ 螺頭~
還有生牛肉~ 鰻魚壽司~ 等等~

茶碗蒸~ 好滑!

grilled salmon~ 正中日本人整係唔同D~ 唔適合我口味

tempura 都痲痲地~

甜點~ 唔知叫咩~ 都OK~

總擴來講都~ 一次起兩次止!靚魚生好多地方都有~ 日本人的家常便飯都係唔係好適合我~

New Toys!~

so after Hunni got his new toy~ I had to get mine too~ and what better than more Re-ment! this stationary set is gorgeous! i especially love the little pens complete with dettachable lids~ talk about down to every last detail~ oh and the scissors actually open and close too! ~~~ I am offically addicted~ and Hunni knew it was coming~ so now he is monitoring every mail package that is coming for me! >.<

just like mine~

the pencil actually fits into the sharpener~!

the globe is the cutest ^^


首先是 Kokyiu~ 現在到鴨仔 =.="

Wednesday, January 23, 2008


少爺的新玩意。超級 mini bike~

話説少爺好早以前就話要買電單車,我更係 say no 啦!跟住過左一陣佢又話要買綿羊仔。。。睇黎唔比佢買佢係唔會死心的~ 所以。。。最終。。。米比佢買部 mini bike 囖!哈~~ 又真係幾得意既!

P.S. 唔好睇佢細細部,唔慢架!可以去到 60 kmph!

Saturday, January 19, 2008


Ready. Set...


排骨少爺居然第一?!啊業有分量搭救排第二。至於偷步鴨仔就更係零蛋啦~ 哈!

Wednesday, January 16, 2008


杯~ 冇。
咖啡~ 冇。
茶葉~ 冇。
糖~ 冇。
只剩雪條棍 (!!#$&%*@)。

Tuesday, January 15, 2008


問我最近 hit 爆全城的 designer 是哪一位?

應該係 Rebecca Minkoff~ No... 不在澳洲~ 係在美國

她的 Morning After Bag 沒什麽特別,但卻令多位女士都想擁有一個,甚至兩三個。

問我最近 覺得哪一位 designer 的 design 最特出,最好看兼最有前途?

那應該係 Katherine Kwei~ 香港人~ 她的手袋設計可説是前無古人。

不信? Google 一下吧。

問我最近 爲何突然喜歡了買高跟鞋?



問我最近 喜歡瀏覽什麽網站?



Saturday, January 12, 2008

National Treasure - Book of Secrets

So the second installment of any movie (apart from Terminator 2 and the Bond et al) isn't always as good as the first, fair enough, the storyline of this particular one was great I thought, but Ben just seemed a little too smart? (or is it just me?) and everything was always at his convenience~ Abigail~ his mom~ it just made everything a bit unrealistic.
Then there was the City of Gold, it is Ancient America we're talking about here, why does the city look like a cross between Ancient China (with the dragon or lion heads and statues) and Ancient Egypt (doesn't the whole thing remind you of a pyramid?)~ well let's hope installment number 3 (something about page 47?) would be better...

Friday, January 11, 2008


每朝醒來習慣懶床五分鐘。然後抱 Panda 到花園 - 因爲它也學我的壞習慣,喜歡懶床。

習慣不吃早餐,但一定要飲咖啡。早上飲 Cappuccino, 下午飲 Cafe Latte。永遠兩包砂糖。

在書桌(公司或屋企的)都會擺放潤唇膏,我好怕嘴唇乾燥,所以去到那裏都習慣帶被潤唇膏,而書桌是我每天逗留最長時間的地方。在公司的是 草莓味 Chap Stick (五十年不變),而在家的是在兩元店買的 雜牌 CoCo Butter 潤唇膏,好香好潤,要省著用,因爲已經好難買得到。

一年 365 天裏可能有 5 天我才會開篷的。佳因太冷;不能開,太熱;我領願開冷氣,太曬;我怕曬,大風;大風還要開篷?我只習慣在夏天的傍晚,有微風情況底下才會考慮開篷。

習慣臨睡前搽 Jurlique Rose Handcream,因爲我喜歡帶著玫瑰花香進睡。



Thursday, January 10, 2008

Hot Boozy Lunch

OK~ so my idea of a great lunch is lounging at a cafe (preferably outside) under a soft warm sun and a cool breeze, with a chill salad and good glass of white. Well, it was almost perfect today~ except the sun was a little too hot, at 41 degrees celcius, which warmed my salad up pretty quickly... and made the booze go straight to my head >.< (汗)I know I know, I shouldn't drink during working hours (or drive for that matter) but hey~ it was too good to pass up (^_^)~ can't exactly not drink under such great conditions right? (especially when they both ordered alcohol too...)

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Re-Ment Mini Sweets Donut Drive Thru...

I love this photo~ mainly because I LoVe Krispy Kremes~
Other new items~

Can you see I'm addicted yet?

Tuesday, January 8, 2008


黎緊既星期日終于都可以去[哩道]玩啦~ YEAH!~
重可以BB焦埋添~ 好耐好耐無玩過水啦~
I can't wait!~

Sunday, January 6, 2008


托朋友在香港買的本書終于到了~ 本來還有一本帶銀公主但給那位友人老粒~ ~ 反正我的中文也不是那麽好~ 兩本書應該夠我看幾個月。Oh~ 忘了說~ 這兩本是我的首批中文書(字典唔計)~ 還有還有~ 關心妍是我偶像~ 哼

是有點狡猾 迷失與尋迴

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Desktop Tower Defence

Recently, I'm hooked on [This] flash game at work~ it's simple, yet it can also be very challenging~

My target of 9,000 points in the hard level is yet to be accomplished =_=

Friday, January 4, 2008

My Re-ment

So I finally got around to taking pictures of my Re-ment collection (so far)~ and I finally realised how much work is involved in taking the "right" picture (don't even mention perfect)!! finding a suitable background was difficulty #2 (!) because all the tables and cabinets I have at home are mostly glass~ then difficulty #1 (!!) was arranging all the tiny food pieces~ it was just... let's call it "Hellness"~ because my fingers aren't exactly tiny and having long nails didn't help either. That is why I admire a midwinter night's dream's pictures so so much~ she is so good! But nonetheless I'm quite happy with what I have taken thus far~ I'm only a beginner after all~ ^_^
P.S. I am sooo in need of a new camera with better focus and less noise >.<

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

我需然是購物狂 但我要做一個精明的購物狂



07年買了第一個 Balenciaga 而開始迷上了 Balenciaga

07年買了第一個 Chloe 而開始愛上了 Chloe

07年買了第一套 Re-ment(其實是一口氣買了三套)

07年買了第一瓶 Kiehl's 而到了現在張所有的護膚品轉用了 Kiehl's


新的一年我要繼續瘋狂地購買 Re-Ment


新的一年我要繼續買更多的 Bal & Chloe 而減小買 Louis Vuitton
